Gail and Lizzy have known each other since 6th grade. They weren’t really friends then but they became friends as the year went on. By the beginning of 7th grade they were best friends. And from then on it was best friends forever! Then in 8th grade Gail met a girl named Sara. They were kind of friends and had two classes together. They started to hangout and eventually Sara met Lizzy. They were friends. But never best friends. But at the end of 8th grade they really started to hangout a lot. And then during the summer Sara went away to
Gail, Lizzy and Sara were best friends now. They did absolutely everything together.
A few months had gone by. And Gail had a crush on someone. Lizzy and Sara didn’t think that they were going to date, but they still supported her in liking him. But once Gail and Chris kissed, they really started to have feelings for each other. And he finally asked her out. But before they had gotten serious, Gail had asked Sara and Lizzy to make a promise. The promise was that if they see any change in Gail that they would let her know. Sara and Lizzy highly doubted that Gail was going to change but they still promised they would let her know if she did change.
A month has gone by now and changes have happened to Gail. The big change was that she was always with Chris, and never with her friends. Her friends still invited her to things but Chris would have to come along. This was a problem. Gail wouldn’t even pay attention to her friends. Her focus was on Chris the whole time. The one place that really got everyone aggravated was the movies. They would sit in front of everyone and make out the whole time, and frankly, they got very sick of it. One time, we decided that we wanted to go to the movies and invite Gail. But Gail said Chris had to come along and for once Lizzy stood up for what she believed in. she told Gail that she didn’t want to watch her and Chris make out the whole time, so she uninvited her. So they stopped inviting Gail to activities that they did. And soon enough Gail didn’t really have any friends. But Sara was always there for her. Sara understood that this was her first boyfriend but also agreed with her friends that Gail shouldn’t forget about them.
I think you can guess that there was a little fight going on. Gail was against everyone. I mean her friends still talked to her but they didn’t talk to her like they did before. And soon enough Gail broke down. Sara was with her at this point. They were out to eat for lunch. They talked about the whole situation and Gail had said to Sara,
“I feel like I have no friends, Sara. No one ever invites me anywhere anymore and the only people I talk to is you and Chris.”
Sara didn’t know what to say. Because it was true, Gail had lost all of her friends. So Sara had given her some advice.
“I think you should just try to hangout with your friends again. Invite some people over and have a sleepover like the good old times. And then maybe things might start to go back to normal. And oh yeah, when we invite you somewhere and Chris comes, don’t be all kissy and huggy with him. Talk to your friends more than you talk to him.” Sara advised to Gail.
But there is one thing that I left out. Lizzy was done with Gail. She didn’t even talk to her. All they would say to each other is a “hi” in the hallway and that’s it! Lizzy used to go over Gail’s house every day during the summer because they had softball together. They told each other absolutely everything. But that has changed a lot. Having Gail and Lizzy not being best friends anymore, made Lizzy and Sara come closer to each other. Whenever Lizzy and Sara hung out, all they would talk about was how much they missed Gail. Actually it was Lizzy most of the time because she knew Gail a lot longer than Sara did. And Lizzy would keep telling Sara how much Gail had changed. But Sara couldn’t agree with Lizzy because she didn’t know Gail for that long.
Sara was never annoyed about this because she loved Lizzy to death, and no matter what she was always there for her.
Before they started high school they revealed each others secrets with each other. And we promised never to tell anyone! But thanks to Gail secrets had gotten out. Gail would tell one person something and then another and then those people would tell more people. But Sara and Lizzy knew that she revealed their secrets but they continued to tell her stuff. But then one day Sara had told Gail a big secret and she specifically told her not to tell anyone and she took her word that she wouldn’t. But the next day at school about three people had come up to Sara and had asked her if the secret was true! Sara was furious. She wasn’t going to just let this happen again. So she decided to confront her about it with texting. Sara had texted:
“Why would you tell my secret to someone?” Sara texted.
“I don’t know, it just happened I guess and I’m sorry!” Gail texted back.
“Well I’m not mad at you or anything but I just don’t trust you anymore. But I still love you as much as I did before. But I got to go so I’ll talk to you later byee.” Sara texted back.
Sara had to end the conversation because she was about to cry and Gail had told her that she was crying.
The next time they saw each other in person, they talked about trusting each other. And Gail had said that she was going to try really hard to keep secrets. Sara didn’t believe this at first at all. So Sara started off by telling her a little secret and waited about a week to see if it had gotten revealed. And it didn’t. So Sara continued to tell Gail almost everything when she got the chance to see her.
I thought that your story was really well written. It all "worked" together. When i read this story all i could this was that this is real.The main character (Gail) changes a lot through out the story. Mostly because of her new boyfriend Chris. I think that the best quality was the dialog. When the reader read what the character was saying you used words that made it seem that the reader was talking to the character in person. My only advice for you is to introduce and put more description into the characters and setting so that the reader could see it in their head more easily of what is going on and where it is happening. Good Job!
i thought your story was really good. Yuo had do dialogue and despriction. I more and more i got into the story the more i found out that it was true. You story had a great message and really drew the reader into Sara's shoes. My only advice is to explain with more detail about whats happening on arond you and describe the fellings in the story a little more. But other than that your story was great. Nice work!
Sabrina, I thought your story was very good. I liked how you based it on stuff that actually happened. the main character deffidently goes through changes throughout the story. In the beginning Gail was all about her friends and then she was all about her boyfriend Chris.
I did not really have a favorite part of the story I liked all of it. I think your best quality was how you wrote it. I could picture what was happening and i felt like I was right there watching it all unravel. One piece of advice I would give you would be to explain some parts a little more and give us some background. Otherwise I thought you did very well. Great Job.
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