I released my shot at the 3 point line watching it swoosh perfectly through the net tying up the game. My long blonde pony tail swiped against my neck as I rushed back to play defense. I got down really low and carefully watched the point guard of the opposing team handle the ball. She lost control of the ball for less than one second and I knew that it was my opportunity to steal the ball. I darted at her making her lose her focus and sneakily swatted the ball away from her. It flew uncontrollably down the court. I sprinted towards it and drove all the way to the hoop on a fast break. The buzzer went off marking the end of the game and the crowd cheered knowing that I had just won our team another game.
Basketball was my life. Not only did I enjoy playing, but I was really good at it. It was my passion, my favorite hobby, my main focus in life. I was determined to be the best of the best, and I was quickly gaining that title. I was, by far, the player that held my high school basketball team together. I had been the starting point guard on the varsity team since freshman year. My grades weren’t the best. Actually they weren’t even close to the best. I had basically all C’s and no chance of getting into any Ivy League college like my mom would want me too. It wasn’t that I was bad at school, I would just much rather watch a Celtic’s game than type an English paper or shoot hoops in my driveway than work on a math problem. My only hope of getting into a semi reasonable college was by a basketball scholarship and being the best player on a division one high school team gave me a good chance at that.
It was Saturday morning when I woke up still in a good mood from last night’s game. My muscles were sore but the image in my head of myself saving the game made up for it. I put on shorts and a hoodie and started off my day by jogging on my treadmill just like every other morning. My stop watch went off after exactly one hour and I hopped off and jumped into a steamy hot shower. I combed my fingers threw my hair and threw it up into a messy bun.
I was about to switch on my laptop to check out the scores of my favorite college basketball team when my cell phone vibrated in my sweatpants pocket. It was a text message from my best friend Sara. It read, “Brooke! Party at my house 8:00 tonight. I better see you there!” Sara’s parties were always way out of control and there was never any parental supervision. I decided that it was a better idea to stay home. They’d all be drinking and not remember that I wasn’t there anyways. I texted back saying, “Thanks but no thanks.” Right after the message was received my cell phone started vibrating again. This time it was a call.
“Brooke, you have to come tonight. It’s going to be awesome. My parents are gone for the entire weekend.”
“No thanks,” I responded. I wasn’t too much into the whole party and drinking scene like my other friends were.
“Oh my god Brooke, You are such a loser. You have the weekend off of basketball. You should just come. You never come to parties.”
I knew she wouldn’t give up until I gave in. “Fine,” I said. Maybe it would be fun after all. I deserved a break from basketball. It was all I had been doing lately. Plus I could celebrate last night’s game. I suddenly got really excited realizing that it would be the first fun thing I had done in a while. I slipped off my sweatpants and pulled on my shortest jean skirt and my tall chestnut UGG boots. I put on a cute sweater that complimented my eyes and wore my hair down and straight. It was a change from my normal work out clothes that everyone was used to seeing me in.
I basically stared at my watch until it turned 8:00. I walked out to my car and cleared my sweaty head band, knee brace, and basketball sneakers off the seat. I drove to Sara’s house confidently, getting ready to have a good time. I tried hard to hide my nervousness. It wasn’t that I was planning on doing anything bad; it was just that I wasn’t used to being at wild parties. I recognized the fact that I had nothing to be worried about because I couldn’t get in trouble if I didn’t do anything wrong.
When I arrived at the party, half of the guests were already drunk out of their minds. It was funny watching our friend’s trip over their own feet and laugh for absolutely no reason. I enjoyed being basically the only sober one and watching everyone else make a fool out of themselves. Everything was going great until a boy from my school offered me a drink. I kindly declined his offer but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot that the star athlete here doesn’t drink.” I laughed it off hoping he would leave me alone; but he didn’t. “Why would you come to a party if you’re not even going to drink?” he asked. He kept harassing me until I finally yanked the can from his hand and took a big long gulp. It was one drink that led to another, that led to another, that led to another. Everything was spinning and I found it very difficult to walk. I had lost count of how many drinks I had but it didn’t seem to phase me. Everyone was having a good time, laughing, taking pictures, and playing games. The rest of the night was a blur.
I woke up the next morning on the floor of Sara’s bedroom with a major headache and almost no remembrance of the previous night. I got up and drove back to my house. I layed in bed the entire day, exhausted from the crazy party. I couldn’t believe it was Sunday and I had school and basketball the next day. I was feeling much better by Monday and had a lot of new friends saying “hi” to my in the hallways.
After school I got dressed in my basketball clothes and went out on the court to start warming up before practice. My coach slowly walked up to me with a weird look on his face and a yellow folder in his hand. He led me into the coach’s room and told me to sit down. I had no idea what was going on. He sat in front of me with a table separating us. He opened the folder and took out multiple pictures and placed them in front of me. I couldn’t believe my eyes. In front of me were pictures of party that I had not seen. Apparently someone had put them online Sunday night and my coach had gotten a hold of them. There were pictures of me drinking alcohol and acting crazy. It was weird seeing me doing things that I couldn’t even remember. I hung my head as my coach raged at me. When he was done screaming and asking me what I was thinking, he calmly explained my consequences. He informed me that the team had a zero tolerance policy and that I would be kicked off the team permanently. I could not believe it. I didn’t even know how to respond. I covered my face with my hands as tears streamed out of my eyes.
I couldn’t even imagine not being able to play basketball. It was the one thing in life I enjoyed the most. I went out to my car and sat in the parking lot in shock. I couldn’t believe that one night, one party, one mistake, could ruin my entire life. I remembered that I had no chance of getting into college anymore and that I would probably end up not being accepted anywhere. The hardest part was telling my parents. They were extremely disappointed and more worried than upset. They also knew that my chances of getting into college were slim. I started trying really hard in school but I was not making any progress. It just wasn’t my thing.
Heyy laur, I really liked your story. I found it really suprising and alarming. It made me remember that actions speak more clearly then words and that one mistake can ruin your life. I believe that the main character did change throughout the story. In the beginning, she had her mind set on basketball and she didn't have any other priorities. But as the story progressed, she decided to take a chance on exploring her own boundaries which she didn't do before. My favorite part of the story was when the theme really took place. Your story brings across a really strong message that I believe more people need to realize. I believe your stories best quality was how you showed how the character was thinking while she was experiencing each event. This made your story a lot more clearer and easier to understand. I don't think you need to change anything about your story but one thing i would suggest was making the ending a little happier. It was dissapointing to see her dream die and her have no backup plans. I loved your story laur.
i really liked your story. i thought it was great. its so weird that one little mistake could ruin your life forever. i felt sad for brooke and i felt surprised. this story made me think about what to do and what not to do.
Brooke din't really make a change except the fact that she went to that party and got drunk. if she hadn't of gone to that party i don't think none of this would happen. i know brooke learned a valuable lesson.
my favorie part or your story was... well i liked all of it. it was very well written. my fav quote would be "It was my passion, my favorite hobby, my main focus in life." i picked this quote cause she is describing how much she really like basketball adn how it's really important to her.
i thought your intro was great how the story started with her winning the game for her team. i could already see that she was a great leader and athlete.
one piece of advice is that there was only one little mistake where you used my instead of me. but it was nothing realyl big. other than that i thought your story was an amazing piee to read. good job.
Lauren I loved you story! It was really creative and defiantly realistic. It made me think of how many other athletes there are who depend on a sports scholorship to get into a good college just like Brook. I feel bad that Brook's chances were ruined after one silly party. It was clear that she had a big future ahead of her and she lost everything by making one mistake.
I think Brook's expiernece helped her realize not to give in to peer presure. Also she learned how one wrong decision could effect the rest of her life.
My favorite part of the story was the beginning. I loved how you started it with action to get the reader's attention!
"My muscles were sore but the image in my head of myself saving the game made up for it."
I liked this quote because it showed Brook's comittment to basketball and her team. The best quality of this story is probably the character. Her charaterictics are much like the average teenager which helps the reader relate to the story.
My only advice to you is to add onto the ending and show what happened to Brook in her later life.
Lauren, I thought your story was very good. I think you did a good job of explaining that one mistake could ruin your whole life. The only thing that could be different was the ending. I don't think it should have been like that. She easily could have been accepted into another high school to finish her season.
By far, you wrote the best story I have read yet. I think that your story so realistic. This actually makes you think by making one mistake; it can actually ruin your whole life. My favorite part of the story was when Brooke goes to the party, and then wakes up, not knowing what had happened before. I can actually picture that happening.
I think that throughout the whole story, Brooke became a worse person then she was before. You made her should like she didn’t really care about anything after getting kicked off the team. She barley made it out of high school and didn’t go to college.
“Basketball was my life. Not only did I enjoy playing, but I was really good at it. It was my passion, my favorite hobby, my main focus in life. I was determined to be the best of the best, and I was quickly gaining that title” that was my favorite part of the story because it shows how dedicated she was to this sport. Great job Laur!
I thought your story was really good. i liked how you used a lot of detail and i thought your theme was really appropiate for the story. The main character deffinatley changed throughout the stroy. At first the only she wanted to do was play basketball and her mind was set on basketball. But at the end, ahe did things that she really didn't want to do. She didn't think of her future, she just thought of one night and how it couldn't mess up her future, but it really did.
heyy girl! Fist off, it was really long lol but loved the story it was fantastic! It made me feel as is i were there. The main character changed a little bit throughout the story. At first she only cared about basketball and thats it but after she realized that theres more than just basketball. My favorite quote is "It was my passion, my favorite hobby, my main focus in life." I chose that because it shows how the character was in the beingging and her priorities. Your vocaubulary was great and i could picture everything you were saying very clearly. Amazing story lover!
wow I felt so bad for that girl. Her expierience shows how one little mistake can make a huge impact. I think that this story makes a great point, that you should stick to what you think is right, and not geive in to peer pressure. My favorite thing about your story was that it taught a lesson. Your character did change as the story went on, becuase she started off, a good kid with good morals, and she knew that going to parties and drinking could get her into some big trouble, but in the end she didn't necessarily turn into a bad person, but she kind decide to explore other options. My favorite line line from the story was, "released my shot at the 3 point line watching it swoosh perfectly through the net tying up the game. My long blonde pony tail swiped against my neck as I rushed back to play defense." You could see her determination and drive for the game. I think that your best qaulity was how you show'd scenes and didn't jsut say "I liked basketball" or "I got very drunk at a party." If you were to do it over, I would suggest making the ending happier, eveyone deserves a second chance.
I really loved your story. I found it very powerful, and inspirational. Many athletes do give up their dreams because of parties, alchohol, and drugs, and this story made it even more clear how easily mistakes like this can happen. The main character definitely changes over the course of the story. She went from the innocent girl and best athlete in school, to getting peer pressured into doing something incredibly stupid, and not even thinking about it. My favorite part of the story was when you said, "It was my passion, my favorite hobby, my main focus in life." This stood out to me because a lot of athletes focus really hard on one main sport, and it becomes their life, and it becomes what means everything to them. Your best quality was your introduction where you described her winning the game for her team, and how much the game of baskbetball really meant to her. Overall, this story was very well written, but somehow, i would have liked to see the ending happier. Like martha said, it's disappointing to see someones dreams crash when it's all you've ever wanted. Great job Lauren.
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