Whenever you read a story, there is always a theme. It helps to make the story more interesting and it helps the story flow. In
The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway, there are many themes. I think that Hemingway having the character,
Santiago, continue to struggle to catch a fish applies to the theme “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
Having faith in yourself is an important part of being willing to try again. Manolin, one of the boys in Santiago’s village, once said to him, “ ‘He hasn’t much faith.” ’ Santiago then replies, ‘ “No, but we have. Haven’t we?” (11). Santiago has faith in himself and that is all that matters to him. He could have gone home and sulked about how unlucky he had been for eighty-four days, but he didn’t. Instead, he went out and tried again. Because he kept trying, he eventually achieved his goal of catching the marlin.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again has been said to me by many people in my life. Every time I faced something I didn’t think I could handle, I kept thinking to myself that I could do it and I just needed to try again. For example, during soccer season a few years ago, I had trouble learning all about a new position-goalie. I had never even attempted it and I never thought I could do it, but, I tried. Every time a ball went past me, I’d ask for help from my coaches to improve myself. There were a few bumps in the road, but I overcame them because I kept trying despite the odds. I can connect to this quote from Santiago: ‘ “You’re feeling it now fish, and so, God knows, am I.” ’(56). When I read this quote, I connected with it because it showed how hard Santiago was trying. He was facing so many obstacles, but pushed through them.
Santiago knew that he needed to keep trying. After going eighty-four days without catching a single fish, he finally caught the marlin. He had achieved his goal, but ended up facing an unexpected obstacle-the sharks. He was unable to bring the massive fish home and doesn’t feel too great about himself. On page 124 after Santiago returns home, he says to Manolin: ‘ “They beat me, Manolin. They truly beat me.” ’ Manolin then replied ‘ “He didn’t beat you. Not the fish.” ’When Manolin says that the fish didn’t beat Santiago, I agree with him. The fish hadn’t beaten Santiago, Santiago had beaten the odds. He tried against all of them and won.
Many people have gone through hardships. If they hadn’t tried again, they might never have overcome their obstacles and become better people. In The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago overcame all of his hardships because he kept trying despite all of the odds. If he hadn’t, he might never have caught the fish or been praised by Manolin. Thanks to the theme “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”; Hemingway’s novella was a very interesting book.
Emma!! i loved your essay. Your thesis was very clear and focused. It helped to catch the readers attention and keep them reading.
The first quote fit extremely well with the essay. You explained it well. It made your arguement stronger.
The best trait would have to be the detail. You explained all of your quotes well, so they all fit with the context. Your essay was very strong because of the detail. If you could strengthen one thing, it would have to be the conclusion. I think you left a couple things hanging. It could have been stronger. Good job!!
Emma, I really liked your essay!
Your thesis stament was very clear. Try try again. This essay cught my attention as I scrolled down the page.
‘He hasn’t much faith.” ’ Santiago then replies, ‘ “No, but we have. Haven’t we?” This quote was awesome for your essay. I shows how Santiago has faith in himself, even if he doesn't succeed.
This essay had really good detail. Your conclusion was really small compared to everything else though. Otherwise your essay was awesome, nice job!
Your essay was very good. The thesis was strong and focused. Your first quote was the best. It really went with your essay and you tied it in really well. I really liked the conclusion paragraph. It was very well written. Much better than mine.
Great essay. The thesis statement was very clear and straight forward. The first quote flowed with the paragraph really nicely and it made the argument stronger. I think the best things in your essay were the detail and the organization. One thing I think I would change is the conclusion. I would probably add a little more. Nice Job!!
Emma, your essay was really good! Your thesis was very clear and flowed nicely with the rest of the paragraph.
I think that the first quote was very good for your essay because you explained it with a very detailed reponse.
You really worked a lot of detail into this, and I think it really paid off.
I think maybe just work on the conclusion a bit more next time? A little bit more could ahve been added to it.
Otherwise, everything was very good! Great job! :D
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