Sunday, March 23, 2008

By Julia M.

Ernest Hemingway’s novella, The Old Man and the Sea, focuses on the many relationships that the old man creates. Hemmingway works to build up many strong relationships between the old man and Manolin, the old man and the marlin, and Santiago and his hands. I think all these friendships helped Santiago’s character development as well as it helped to influence the decisions Santiago made.

Santiago and the boy, Manolin have a very strong friendship. Santiago first taught the boy to fish when he was just five years old. “ ‘I remember everything from when we first went [fishing] together,’ ” Manolin said to Santiago (12). Manolin’s parents put him on a separate boat after Santiago caught nothing for 84 days, however, their friendship is still strong. When Santiago set out on his 85th day, he found himself often speaking aloud to himself saying, “ ‘I wish the boy were here,’ (56).” Santiago depended on Manolin in more than one way. To the old man, Manolin was the son he never had. Manolin gave him a reason to live, and to keep fishing no matter how little he caught.

Santiago spends four days out on the sea trying to catch the marlin. During this time, Santiago builds a relationship with the fish. Without the boy’s company, Santiago begins speaking to the fish, “ ‘The fish is my friend too,’ he said aloud (75)’. Santiago refers to the fish as his brother. Being a fisherman, Santiago has had many opinions about the fish. After being alone with no one but the marlin, he begins to think of the fish as a companion. He thinks about killing him and the fish’s respect. When they are finally arriving at the harbor, Santiago wonders whether it looks as though the fish is bringing Santiago in, or Santiago is bringing the fish in.

Another relationship the old man possesses is between him and his hands. Since Santiago lacks the new technology that all the young and rich fisherman have, he has to rely on his hands. During Santiago’s struggle with the marlin, his left hand fails him when it cramps. This worried him because he needed both his hands to work when it came time to strap the marlin to the side of the boat and ward off any sharks that might pick up the scent. “ ‘Be patient hand,’ he said, ‘I do this for you,’ ” and he took another bite of the tuna he caught (59). Santiago knows that he will need his strength so he eats the fish and talks to his hand, willing it to uncramp. With no updated instruments, Santiago’s hands are very valuable to him. He tries to take good care of them and keep them healthy.

All these relationships contribute to the story plot. If Santiago weren’t as close with Manolin as he is, he wouldn’t have had so much motivation to make it home. His relationship with the marlin gave him the strength to catch the fish and fend off the sharks. Lastly, the connection Santiago has with his hands helps him everyday when he is out on the sea. His hands are incredibly skillful after years of fishing. Also, Santiago believes he was born to be a fisherman. He thinks his hands were made to catch the biggest fish in the sea.


Anonymous said...

I thought your story was well-written. Your thesis statement was clear and I knew what the whole essay was going to be about after reading it. Your strongest body paragraph was your first one. I like how you used more than one quote to show the relationship between Santiago and Manolin. Another thing that was good was the openig and concluding paragraphs. You wrapped up your story well.

Anonymous said...

I really liked your essay. Your thesis was clear concise and focused. It made me want to keep reading. It made me want to find out what you thought about the relationships in the book and how they added to the story. I liked the quote, “‘I wish the boy were here,’ (56).” because it fit well with what you were writing about. I don't think you could have found a more perfect quote to portray the relationship between the man and the boy. I thought your main points were the best part of this essay. It was really creative how you described the relationship between the man and his hand. I liked when you said, “Santiago’s hands are very valuable to him. He tries to take good care of them and keep them healthy." Your essay was very well written and I loved it. Maybe in future essays you could lengthen your conclusion. Overall your essay was amazing. Good Job!

Anonymous said...

Dear Hulia,
I was astonished at how great your thesis statement was and how you were able to pull me into the story so well. The vocab added to the stories greatness and it made everything professional quality. You were exactly correct when you said the old man needs the boy because he is always saying how much better the trip would be with mandolin. Even though the conclusion wasn’t that long I still thought it summed up the essay very well.
The paragraphs were all very strong and that is key in making a good essay. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your essay. i thought you used a lot of supporting details throughout the essay that made everything make more sense. your thesis statement was very clear and it pulled me into the essay quickly. after reading the first paragraph, i knew what the whole essay would be about and i knew it was going to be good. overall, good essay.