The least life-threatening of Santiago’s troubles is the threat of inadequate supplies. When he heads out to sea, he only brings what is critically necessary under the belief that he will only be gone one day. He has only brought one harpoon, and when he loses that is left with a few somewhat ineffective weapons. Then, when there is only a knife left, it becomes dull and he wishes he brought a stone to sharpen it so it would a weapon worth using. “I should have brought a stone. You should have brought many things, he thought.” (110) He would have also been a lot better off if he had brought some food and a first aid kit.
Santiago also suffers from lack of sleep, a cramping hand, and malnourishment. He has been in the little skiff for so long that his whole body is becoming stiff. “You’re feeling it now, fish, and so, God knows, am I,” he said (56). Santiago feels that in his old age he has been still long enough to start cramping. “…his hand was cramped. It drew up on the heavy cord and he looked at it in disgust.” (58). It starts when he gets rigor mortis in his hand. He is also suffering from lack of sleep. He has to be on the guard twenty- four seven in cases the marlin does something, which doesn’t leave much time for sleep. That, along with the malnourishment from failing to bring any food, has left him physically fatigued.
Throughout the book, many different characters work against Santiago. First the marlin itself is fighting for its life, which Santiago is trying to take. It takes him three days to catch the marlin and by then he is stretched to his limits. The sharks coming after his marlin do not help his cause either. “And he was the biggest dentuso that I have ever seen. And God knows I have seen big ones” (103). Santiago is speaking of the incredibly big and strong sharks that are coming to take a piece of his prize fish. By the time the sharks are done with the marlin, it is nothing but a meatless skeleton and the old man believes they have won when he says “They beat me, Manolin, they truly beat me” (124).
Santiago went through a fantastic journey on his four days at sea. He proved to himself that he is still a good fisherman and he broke his dry spell. He worked through the frustration of not having the supplies he needed. He suffered through the physical pain and built up his inner strength in order to persevere. More importantly, Santiago pulled out that inner strength and beat the antagonists set on ruining his goals. He believes he was beaten, but who is to say that when he has obviously gone above and beyond expectations.
The thesis is engaging and strong. The thesis is "Many stories are teeming with characters struggling to overcome obstacles, to prove themselves to others and, more importantly, to keep his own confidence alive".
The first quotation is the best in my opinion because it proved the point you was trying to make clearly. This quote related exactly to what you were saying and it made the most sense out of all of them.
One thing this essay does well in is the word choice. You have selected efficient words that make the essay stronger. "He suffered through the physical pain and built up his inner strength in order to persevere". Also, the introduction and conclusion were written very well and tied together nicely.
The advice I would give is to be sure of your grammar. As I was reading I saw a few places that commas or such may be needed.
nice job =) melllllll
Juliaa :] Good job on the essay!
I really liked your thesis. I thought it really explained everything. “In the novella, The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago works through many struggles in his great feat after the marlin. Some of these struggles include a frustrating lack of supplies, physical fatigue, and the numerous antagonists against him.” I really thought that connecting the title and the character’s name added to it. I think in the third paragraph, your second quote is great. You incorporated it into the sentence and it flowed. You always have a great vocabulary and I don’t really have any suggestions.
While I love you, your thesis wasn't very strong. Your essay over all wasn't very engaging. The supporting details were very supportive. Your examples were pretty good but the essay can't not be held together by only a few good things. I know you can write better than this. Your vocabulary was pretty rad, but, Jesus J.t., you're better than this.
Julia, your essay was awesome! You thesis was cyrstal clear, and very concise. I thought your best example was your fisrt one, explaining his lack of supplies. I thought you explained it well, and the quote you chose was incorporated perfectly. I feel the strongest part of your essay, I have to agree with Mel, is great word choice. I love how each word flowed from one to the other. You used great words without having a "word overkill". I really can't think of any suggestions for next time. Keep it up!!
Julia, your essay was wicked good. I can easily pick out your thesis statement from the rest of your introductory paragraph, and it is both clear and focused. In my opinion, your quote - "You’re feeling it now, fish, and so, God knows, am I,” he said (56), was the strongest of the essay. I feel like it was incorporated really well and that it was strongly used as a good piece of evidence. One thing that your essay does really well is word choice. You and Mel both, I don't know how you guys come up with these words. They are good words to begin with, but then they fit in perfectly with the story. One thing that I would change about your essay is to make sure that you need all of your punctuation. I have the same problem, commas everywhere. Oh well. Your essay was amazing anyways.
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