In life many people struggle with obstacles and hit roadblocks that need to be conquered before moving on. Throughout the story Old Man and the Sea, the main character
Santiago has to struggle with many obstacles, before reaching his main goal of catching his dream Marlin. There were three obstacles that stood out the most with getting in
Santiago’s way of catching the Marlin. There was his ongoing loneliness, being unprepared, and his hand.
Santiago, had fished with the boy Manolin for many years but when Santiago had bad luck, and failed to catch anything for 84 days, the boy’s parents made him leave Santiago’s skiff. Santiago got in his skiff all by himself on the 85th day feeling confident he would catch something. However being as old as he was, he realized that fishing without the boy was harder than he thought, and Santiago starts to struggle with loneliness. “He did not remember when he had first started to talk aloud when he was by himself…He had probably started to talk aloud, when alone, when the boy had left”(39). To avoid going crazy, and to help deal with being so lonely, Santiago starts to talk to the fish, and the bird, and then eventually he talks with the Marlin.
When Santiago set sail in his skiff on the 85th day, he was not expecting to be away for four days, causing him to be much unprepared. Santiago lacked food, enough bait, and correct fishing tools. He only brought enough supplies for one day. “The boy was back now with the sardines and the two baits wrapped in newspaper and they went down the trail to the skiff, feeling the pebbled sand under their feet, and lifted the skiff and slid her into the water”(27). Because the old man didn’t have the supplies he needed, he found ways to solve his problems. He used the two baits he had, and used them to catch some fish for him to eat and fish to be bait.
One of the biggest problems that Santiago struggled with was his hand. After clenching on to the fishing line for so long, he began to get rigor mortis in his hand. This made him frustrated, because it made it harder for him to grip his line. “What kind of a hand is that,” he said. “Cramp then if you want. Make yourself into a claw. It will do you no good”(58). Santiago knew what he had to do about his hand; he kept making himself eat more fish to help. “Be patient, hand,” he said. I do this for you”(59). Santiago didn’t want to eat the fish, but he knew that it would help, and he ate it anyways.
Santiago was a brave man who never gave up. Not once did he let himself be defeated, he solved each struggle with the goal of catching and killing the marlin. He had to deal with loneliness, lack of supplies, and a cramping hand. This shows how strong Santiago was, both physically and mentally.
I loved your essay. It was amazing and very well written. Your thesis was very clear and focused and made me want to keep reading. I like how in the first paragraph you said, “…many people struggle with obstacles and hit roadblocks." I thought that was very creative and displayed good word choice. It made me want to continue reading your entire essay. My favorite quote you choice was, "“He did not remember when he had first started to talk aloud when he was by himself…He had probably started to talk aloud, when alone, when the boy had left”(39). I thought it fit well with what you were writing about. I thought you used word choice and description well. An example of this is when you used the word "clenching." Maybe in future essays you could lengthen the conclusion to wrap up the story a little better but overall your essay was really good. Great Job Girllll:]
Emma, Amazing job! I liked the thesis, “There was his ongoing loneliness, being unprepared, and his hand.” It was engaging and clear. Your strongest paragraph was the first one, it was the most detailed. I really liked your closing paragraph, especially the part that says, “he solved each struggle with the goal of catching and killing the marlin.” The essay came to a really good close, and the whole thing was interesting and informative. One thing I would suggest is being more clear in the paragraph about his hand. Good Job!
Emma great job girl! Your thesis, “There were three obstacles that stood out the most with getting in Santiago’s way of catching the Marlin. There was his ongoing loneliness, being unprepared, and his hand.” was very good. There was enough words, and detail to understand your thesis. The quote I liked the most in your essay was, “He did not remember when he had first started to talk aloud when he was by himself…He had probably started to talk aloud, when alone, when the boy had left”(39). I liked this quote because it showed that Santiago was very lonely, and ended up talking to animals and himself because he had no one else. One thing you did very well, was the amount of detail you put into it. You can tell you also put in a lot of effort into this essay. Great job!
you did a great job writing your essay. I think that the thesis statement was one of the things that made your essay so strong. i think that the way that you pilled the reader in was excellent. All the detail and quotes also made your story that much stronger. i think that you did such a good job, one thing that you could work on in the future is trying to make your conclusion paragraph a little stronger. Great Job!!
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