What makes something valuable is a question that not many people can answer.
There are two types of values.
One in which there can be a price tacked to, and another that is priceless.
Values to people differ from those of others.
They can be very simple or complex.
To me, a value is what is very important that would hurt me if I had to give it up.
A priceless value is one in which you cherish and can not put a price on.
A value with a price is one you cherish, and one that can be sold or bought.
I mark my calendar. There is a jumpy, fluttery feeling in my stomach. I can not get rid of it. The cool, November air blows. Stores are decorated and shoppers bustle by. Each of them has endless lists of gifts to buy for friends and relatives. They struggle, attempting to carry as many bags as possible. Christmas is just about to round the corner. There is only one more month left. Everyone is happy and filled with holiday cheer.
To bring the holiday cheer to our house, we start by digging out our artificial tree. Trimming the Christmas tree has always been a big event in our family. My mom, brother, and I start by arranging the branches by the colors on their stems. This tells us where they should be placed on the tree. When we have finished putting up the tree it looks very healthy. Then we put on the Christmas lights. After this the ornaments are put on, followed by the garland, and then, last but not least, the beautiful angel. In order to put her at the very top of the tree we need to use a ladder. None of us are tall enough to reach the seven foot giant. While we work, holiday music can be heard playing in the background. Usually we play The Chipmunks at a reasonable volume.
Once the tree is completed, we decorate the rest of the house with fake snow, stuffed snowmen, snow globes, angels, candle night lights, a light-up Santa, stockings and, my personal favorite, The Santa Countdown. After all the boxes from the decorations are packed away and put to the side, it is time to light up the tree. The second that the plug goes into the electrical socket the tree comes alive. We all gaze with pure amazement. Big, content smiles spread across our faces.
Every night we eat dinner in the living room so we can be mystified by the gorgeous tree. Our cats sit underneath it and, occasionally, attempt to climb it. This makes us all even more anxious for the big morning to arrive. Holiday cheer is like a contagious cold. It can not be escaped. Without it, Christmas would never be the same.
I am stressed. There has just been a humongous research paper assigned. Where to start? Books take way to long to look through. This is the purpose of the internet! Whoever invented the computer was a pure genius! By logging onto a computer and using the internet, I can find useful information. I just have to go to Google, and type in key words, and my research is almost complete.
Computers are not only used for research. They also provide an alternative way of communication. Instead of using a phone to talk with my friends or family, I prefer to use email. This is a fun way to hold long conversations or indulge in meaningless chit chat. Emailing is most useful as a quick way to send and receive mail. Instead of waiting all morning for a letter to come that probably won’t arrive for another day or two, I can check my email. It arrives in seconds after clicking the send button.
Whenever I become bored I can go onto the computer. This also helps me to minimize my stress level, and get my mind of things. There are billions of different games. New games are being created every day. There are games to play on the internet, games to play on the desktop and fun activities and quizzes to do and to take. My computer never gets old!
Without computers, there would not be as many advances in the field of technology. Long tasks could not be shortened. Jobs would become more difficult without the modern day conveniences of the computer. The world would no longer be at a fingertips length. Life would not be the same if the computer had never been invented!
Holiday cheer and my computer are both valuable to me in different ways. Holiday cheer brings light to every holiday, not just Christmas. The holidays would be quite dark and gloomy without it. There would be no excitement. Families would no longer have parties and reunite.
My computer is what makes life easier. It provides entertainment. I am free to explore. I can learn about different cultures, places around the world, and event without leaving the cushioned seat of the computer chair. Also, school tasks would be lengthened if I had to write all of my essays out instead of typing and saving them.
Holiday cheer and my computer both give me excitement. One is abstract and the other is concrete. Although both of these things excite me, there is more to life than just holiday cheer and computers. These are just two things I value. These are not even among the most important things to me. It does help to look forward to a holiday with some holiday cheer and to preoccupy myself with a little time on the computer. It would hurt if I had to give up one or both of these values.