Some things are more important than others, some things are more expensive than others, and some things may be priceless to you, but financially worthless. To quote a little plaque that I once saw, “The best things in life aren’t things” in some cases, this is true, when you are referring to other people; friends, siblings, grandchildren, parents, and cousins. They aren’t things that you can just go into a store and buy. There is no price you can put on them. However, there are things that are valuable to you, even if they are just “things”. To some people they may be just “things” but to you they can mean so much more.
For example, I got my MP3 Player for 30 bucks at Wal-Mart, but it means a lot more to me than just 30 dollars. If have I have to do some long boring chore, like clean my room or something, listening to my music makes cleaning as enjoyable as it can be. Not just when I’m cleaning though, it’s good for long boring car/plane rides, and jogging. If I listen to music while I run it does two things for me, one: it keeps my mind off how tired or sore I am, and two: it helps me to sort of get into a rhythm, where I don’t even have to think, I just run. Music puts me in such a good mood and before I could only listen to my music on the computer, in one room, in my house. That’s a very limited amount of places to listen to music. The freedom to listen to my music wherever and whenever means a lot to me, and that’s why I like my MP3 Player so much. Music adds more color to my life, it makes it more interesting, and I think the music you listen to describes your personality, and I love to listen to my music on my MP3 Player.
He may have been 40 dollars at Dave’s but there is no amount of money you could pay me to take him away. He’s absolutely priceless. Bilbo, my bunny was my birthday present last year, and that had to have been my best present ever.
When I first got him he was so tiny you cold hold him in one hand. He was softer than velvet and as sweet, well, as sweet as a little baby bunny. I still remember the day I first brought him home. So delicate, I though I would crush him if I even picked him up. And he was so soft! Bunnies have this one silky spot on the back of their necks, and he was that soft all over. (Now, all his baby fuzz is gone but he does still have that silky spot on the back of his neck.) I brought him into the living room and put him down on the floor. He hopped around and sniffed everything in sight. Then I took out a Pickup Stick and dragged it across the carpet in front of him. He chased it around, grabbed it in his mouth, and hopped away with it. This is not what I was expecting. Here is this tiny midget of a bunny, weighing less than ½ a pound and smaller than a guinea pig, who had only been at my house for ten minutes, after what I’m sure was a frightening car ride, leaving what was his home and now he’s playing with me, about 200 times his size. Spunky little guy.
When he was only a few months old he would fall asleep in my arms while I ran my fingers through his silky baby fuzz. He loves to eat fruits and veggies out of my hand, and his favorite food is lettuce. When the weather is nice and there’s lots of green grass to nibble, we both love it when I take him for walks, with his little leash and harness. Bilbo is a very curious bunny and when I let him hop around the house he always sniffs everything, and says hello to anyone who walks into the room, including the cat. Bilbo gives kisses to everyone, me, our other bunny, and even Nibbler, our little guinea pig. (Bilbo is bigger than both the other bunny and the guinea pig now.) He’s also very tolerant, putting up with all the toddlers who see him and come running to pet “the Easter Bunny” and he’ll even let me dress him up in baby clothes. He’s also a comfort; when I was sick with pneumonia he didn’t run away saying “eeewww, gross, don’t cough on me”. He just sat on my lap and kept me from getting lonely. Every moment I get to spend with him is priceless, and there’s nothing that could ever replace my little Bilby.
Whether it’s your pet bunny, or your MP3 Player, there are things in life that are worth more to you than anything else. They may be different things, and valuable to you in different ways, but they mean a lot to you. The sort of things, that keep you not necessarily happy all the time, but content. Things that you can look forward to when you’ve had a bad day, and that hold a special place in your heart. The best part about them though, is that they are precious to you specifically. And even if they mean nothing to someone else, they are valuable to you.
Hey Olivia :)
Great job! I loved how you described you mp3 and Bilbo really nice and flowy, and it never got boring. I really like when you described when you first goe Bilbo. It was so cute, I can just picture him right now.
I think your essay was really good, and i thought you had your organization perfect. The only suggest I have is to describe you mp3 a little more. But really, job well done :)
Hey Olivia!
Your bunny is sooooo cute! I like that you quoted something. Not many people did that. I also liked how you said music gets you into a rhythm. It’s true. Thank you for saying that music describes your personality, because that is true.
Why did you name your bunny Bilbo? You described him very well. It made me laugh when you said he took the Pick up Stick from you. He is spunky. I think you should have put a picture of him in baby clothes on your essay. That would be extremely cute! I loved your essay, but the part about your MP3 could have been longer. The fact that it was shorter also says that you love your bunny more than your MP3.
I absolutely loved your essay. You described everything really really well. Your strongest point was deffinately writing about your bunny. Everything you wrote about Bebo (as I like to call your bunny) was really well put and there was so much description! I could picture him perfectly. I think the only thing I could give you advice on is to just write a little more about your mp3 player because everything you wrote about Bilbo kind of overpowered it. Other than that everything was amazing and I really enjoyed reading it! :D
One of my favorite essays, and my brother has a rabbit to, except it acts like a dog and cat. I cannot give you any reccomendation comments, but there are so many good comments that i have to say. The essay is very energetic and it always keeps you reading more and more, and wishing that it never ended. everything in this essay is true (even the soft part behind the rabbits neck). It made me happy this day, and everything is perfect. This essay both tells and shows things about your rabbit and MP3 player. Very, very good essay olivia.
Keep up the good work!
Olivia!!! Your essay was amazing!! Your description of Bilbo was awesome. It gave me a really good mental picture. I like how you described when he was a baby. soooo cuteeeee!
Your conclusion was good. You weren't reapeating what you said in your intro, which a lot of people did. It flows great, too. Word choice is very adultish. Good job!!
Olivia, you had an amazing essay. Your description of Bilbo was incredible. It really painted a clear picture in my mind. My favorite part was when you described him as a baby, he sounds adorable. You didn't have a lot of mistakes. You have always been a very good writer. Keep up the good work!=)
Sweet essay i really like it. i'm the same way with listening to music it really sets my mood. your bunny sounds awesome too you did a great job describing him and what hes like.
I really enjoyed this essay. Your point was excellent, I love MP3 Players. I thought that the paragraphs about the bunny were the strongest. You used great word choice and descriptions, and the essay flowed very well. You could have elaborated more on why you like your MP3 Player, but this was a very well written essay.
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