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I got really excited when I was on the computer and all of a sudden I hear this noise. A noise that was very familiar to me, it was a song, my favorite song. I look around the area, getting closer and closer, trying to find my phone. ”It starts in my toes, makes me crinkle my nose...” I found it! My phone was hidden inside my purse where it always is. I quickly open my purse and whip out my phone. I soon discover that I have a text message from my best friend, Kayla, informing me on tonight’s plans. Next thing I know my fingers are moving faster than the speed of light. I had just replied to my friend.
My phone is filled with the newest and latest technology. I not only can contact all of my friends but I can buy ringtones, play games and take as many pictures as I want to. My phone is very special to me and I don’t know what I would do without it. I use it 24-7 and the sad thing is I’m not even lying to you. I can change my settings and ringtones all I want. I have certain ringtones set for when certain people call me. “Our song” is set for when my four best friends call me. “Bubbly” is set for when they all text me. “Throw it away” is set for when anyone but them texts me and “Vulnerable” is set for when anyone calls me. Whenever someone in my family calls me “Would you go with me” plays. I recently just bought on of my latest and favorite songs: it’s called “Everything” by Michael Buble. When I buy new ringtones they make me really happy inside and excited whenever somebody calls me.
No matter where I am or what I am doing, I can always communicate with the people I love. I know exactly what goes on everywhere. People tell me everything through my cellular device. If my phone dies, which it rarely does, I get very sad. Every day I get so many text messages in my inbox, that it makes me delete them all, since there’s no room in it anymore.
Sometimes people think phones are dumb and pointless, but I couldn’t disagree more. I got my cell phone when I was 11 years old. I not only wanted it but my mom insisted on getting it for me. That was the age when I started going places with just friends and needed it to contact my parents. My phone is my life. I take care of it very well. I treat it as though it’s my baby.
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Thirty seconds left in the game, I quickly receive a pass from attack; I’m running my heart out up the field, my heart it pounding. I fake out the defender; it’s just me and the goalie, face to face. I put my left foot in front and use my arms to put the ball into the net just in time. GOAL! I scored the game winning shot. The ream runs onto the field to congratulate me. I was so excited and filled with joy.
The feeling I get while playing a sport, and actually doing something that helps my team, really puts me in a “couldn’t get any happier” kind of mood. Sports are pretty much my life. Every day after school, that’s all I do, practice for games, and then play in games. Soccer, lacrosse, and dancing are the three sports I play, and I’ll be completely honest with you, I still don’t know which one I love more. I work so hard to get better and to achieve my goals, but the feeling of doing something great for yourself and your team is the kind of feeling I don’t like to forget.
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To me, playing sports and having my phone will always have a place in my heart. They both have gotten me where I am today. My phone keeps me inline with all my closest relatives and friends. It helps me through my rough patches and helps me when I need a life. I am so good at using my phone and it means a lot to me. I have the same emotions when I play sports, as weird as that sounds. When I have a soccer game, or any type of game, I work my hardest and never give up even if I do something that may disappoint me, I work through it. If I am mad or angry during a game, I don’t go pouting around looking for people’s sympathy, I just deal with it. I put all of my frustration into the game.
I really like your essay. It's well-written and very creative. Both your conclusion and introductive are unique. I like how you never picked which object or memory you liked best. I think that leaves the reader thinking on their own what they would chose. I think you paragraph about soccer was stronger then your paragraph about your cell phone. I've noticed this happening in a lot of other essays and I think the reason is because it's earier to write descriptively about a memory.
I would have to say that your strengh in this essay is your writing style. While some of our other classmates try to write in sofisticated terms, you and a few others use your voice when you write. This also helps the reader understand and relate to you more. when I read your essay I felt as though you were standing infront of me, explaining these two items. Next time my sdvice to you is to double check your spelling and grammer;)
I really liked reading ur essay. I thought that the detail in your paragraph about your cell phone was really strong. It was very well-written. It was so could because it was something that was really important to you. The one thing in your essay that you could have worked on was maybe your grammer and spelling.
You had such a great style of writing though that i really enjoyed your essay.
Your opening paragraph shows that although you value material things, you haven't forgotten about the experiences or things without a price in life. I loved the detail in your second paragraph. I can visualize exactly what is going on. I like your style of writing. It is very unique and different from others. It almost feels like your talking directly to me. I love it!I enjoyed your concluding paragraph. Especially how you made comparisons to celebrities. I only found one spelling mistake in your essay which is great. The only thing I suggest is staying in the same tense when talking about something. Other than that it was awesome!GREAT JOB KATIE!
that was a very good essay! i loved how you started your paragraph. you state that you love your cell phone. and your pricless moment is playing sports. i love how you were very descriptive about the songs that play whenpeople text you or call you. i thought it was very descriptive. and when you were writing about playing sports, i really believed you that you absolutely love to pl ay sports. one of your strength in writing is definitley description. and there was nothing i could see that you needed to work on. and for your conclusion, that was fantastic. your essay was full of enjoyment.
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