* * *
As I flip open the phone and dial the number, the buttons glow and the screen shines brightly. A notice pops up saying I have a missed call from earlier this afternoon. I decide to text my friends and ask if they want to hang out later. It’s amazing how much you can do with a cell phone these days. Take pictures, instant message people, listen to music, text, play a variety of games, even go on the internet. A number of years ago I never would have imagined owning a cell phone, I wouldn’t have wanted one. They were large and awkward looking, a pain to carry around. They barely had screens; they looked like oversized calculators with antennas.
Today, cell phones have become a huge part of our society. I remember the day I got my first cell phone, it was Christmas morning, and I was in 6th grade. When I opened the wrapped box and saw the picture of the small gray phone, I was really excited. I have since gotten a new one, a Motorola Razr, about a year after my first phone. All my friends have phones too, and it is our number one way of talking to each other outside of school. Everyone is starting to have one, whether it is for a practical use, like making important calls, or just to show off all the flashy accessories of your phone. Either way, they serve one main purpose, being able to communicate.
* * *
I look over in the stands at the side of the field. Its seems like everyone in town is here. My parents, friends, and other various classmates and people I know. I look back at the batter as she gets into her ready stance. There are two outs, bases loaded, it’s the last inning, and if we get this out we win the game. Our pitcher winds up and the ball shoots toward home plate. The batter swings. Bam! There is a thud of softball hitting aluminum as the ball cracks off the bat and heads toward first, where I am playing. It is a low line drive, which will kill us if I miss it, and it is far to my right. But I dive, and yes! I get it, and make the play at first. We win the game! Everyone is happy and we leave the field in high spirits.
There is nothing like making a great play in softball. Knowing that you just did something excellent, that everyone was counting on you and you came through for them, is the best feeling in the world. I love softball, it is my favorite sport. I can’t even describe how much fun it is to be caught up in a moment like that. But I don’t need the feeling of success or winning to be happy in softball. It is awesome to just be a part of the team, and to be able to play. I would rather be on the team and lose every day than not be on the team at all. Because moments like those, when you are in the game and you just realize that you are having the time of your life, are the most amazing moments in the world.
* * *
I care about my cell phone and softball very much, but for very different reasons. My cell phone is practical and I am able to make calls with it, but it also has fun accessories and is nice-looking. I try to keep it scratch-free and clean. Softball is all about just playing the game with teammates. My cell phone can be replaced. That’s basically the difference. If it gets lost, broken, or if I just get sick of it, I can get a new one. Nothing can take the place of softball. While a cell phone and playing softball are two extremely different things, they also have something in common. My cell phone is a way for me to stay connected to things outside my house. If I am lonely and want to invite my friends over, or if I just want to talk to someone, I use my phone. Softball is also a way for me to stay connected; to my teammates, my school, and a sense of belonging. Softball keeps me from getting bored, and so does my phone. So, answering the question from before, wealth is what you want it to be, it depends on whether you value objects, or moments. It depends on what is important to you. And I value both softball and my cell phone. But I would rather be a cell-phone-less softball player than a softball-less cell- phoner any day.
I really liked this essay and the effort you put into it definitly shows. Your essay clearly shows that you value both your cell phone and softball but you believe that softball is more valuable to you. I think that makes sense that you would value your priceless moment more, and I agree with you completly. A part of your essay that I thought was well done was when you described your priceless moment. When you said, "There is a thud of softball hitting aluminum as the ball cracks off the bat...," I felt like I was right there with you. Your deep description made me want to keep reading.
Your introduction made me interested in what I was going to hear in the rest of the essay. I think the entire essay was very well written but more specifically I loved the softball paragraphs. Even though I don't currently play softball, I am a former player, and it reminded me of how much I loved the sport. I was able to relate to how you felt while playing softball. Talking about how cell phones used to be huge and bulky was funny and I think everyone can relate to how cell phones have changed in appearence over the last couple years. Although your essay in general was rich with detail, I think the cell phone paragraph could have described how your cell phone looked a little deeper. Overall, I really enjoyed reading you essay and I feel as though I can connect to it. GOOD JOB!
chloe Sabbs,
What an intriging essay! You definatly show that you'd rather play on a team then have a cell phone. That is wonderful, and i agree totally agree. Being on a team really makes a strong bond with people, and friends, well a cell phone, can allow you to talk, but not bond. Wow. I could see the scene in softball opposed to the scene of your cell phone. I loved when you said how the whole team was counting on you, and if you won this you would win. It showed how much you wanted that ball! Good job getting it. YOur stregth was your vocabulary, and detail. I could see everything, you werent telling me you hit the ball, you were exspressing the sound and feeling when the ball hit that bat. When you described softball it was great, You must love it, you can tell that from your essay. I can't really think of anything for you to change. Perhaps show more feeling connected to the cellphone, but it was already wonderful. Amazing job, I look forward to reading your peices in the future. :)
Wow Chloe, your essay was really good. I like how in the end you wrote how you would prefer your priceless moment over your object. I was on your softball team and I can relate to why you love it so much. I also like how you describe your cell phone and when you got it.
I don't think you need to change or improve anything. Your essay was really good. I like how you tell the reader that the object can be replaced, but the memory can't.
Hey Chloe,
I loved your essay. The questions you asked in your beginnnig paragraph were really good. It hooked the reader into your paper. Your paper showed that you would much rather have a priceless value, like your team then your cell phone, which was your pricy value. You made this essay relate to peoples lives. I like your cell phone paragraph, everyone can relate to it. You used a great amout of detail describing your softball paragraphs Over all you did amazing, but one thing i would like to see more of is what you do with your phone, and what your phone looks like.
I love your essay!! It is soooo good. You can definetaly tell that you love both your cell and softball. I think that you love softball more though.
My favorite part of your essay was the way you described both of your items. You also used very strong words to state what you were trying to say. I could see a picture in my head forming as I read the part where you hit the ball. A little peice of advice is to describe your phone a little more. Other than that you did GREAT.
I thought that your essay was so amazing! It was so well-written. I had a clear picture of everything that you describing the entire time that I was reading it. It really sounds like you really love your phone and playing softball. I think that the strongest part of your essay was when you asked the question in beginning then answered it at the end. I really liked that. Chloe your essay was awesome! Can't wait till softball season starts! :-)
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