The music pounds through my ears in time with my footsteps. One lap to go, and the third song ends. A faster song, and my pace quickens. Good, I can end hard. As I finish, I pull my headphones off, breathing heavy with the effort of running. Still in my hand, the music plays to the air itself, allowing only parts of the song to be caught.
My iPod is something that I use every day, and I would not survive without it. Music helps me to focus when I am running, doing homework, or reading. I can use it to block out the world around me, and to only hear the music, helping my concentration. When I’m running, I like to use my iPod because it gives me a focus point other than my heavy breathing. When doing homework, studying, or reading, I use my iPod to block out the distracting sounds of my family around me. This way, I do not focus on the conversations they are having, and can easily complete the work that I need to.
Music is also something that I use to relax. When I’m in my room, I can’t stand the room to be so quiet. I automatically go over to my radio and turn on my iPod so the music fills the room.
When I’m in a bad mood, I go to my room and blast the music, and it usually helps to calm me down. By focusing on the music instead of what it is that’s bothering me, I can easily forget why I was so upset, and relax. Or just being able to shut myself off from the world by turning it up so loud that I can’t hear much of anything else always helps with a bit. This gives me time on my own so that my mood will not worsen.
My iPod is of such value that I would not willingly give it up. It is a fairly pricey item, and it was an expensive gift for me to receive. The usage it gets has worn it down, but in a better way. It is different nearly every week, with new songs being added, different songs getting overplayed, and still others that are forgotten. I enjoy listening to my music, and I find it soothing and relaxing.
I walk in the door and my dog immediately runs to me. I bend down and she jumps up and begins to lick my face. I laugh and push her down. Her tail wagging, she runs a circle around me and jumps back into my lap. Still going crazy, she does not sit still, and she speeds off in another direction as I try to pet her. Grabbing her toy and standing up catches her attention, and she races back to me, silently begging for me to throw the toy and begin a game. I toss it down the hall and watch her nearly trip over herself in the attempt to get to it.
My dog’s name is Sophie, and we just got her in August. She loves us, and we love her. Spending time with her is priceless to me. I love to see her perky little ears go up at the sight of me, and her excitement when I play with her.
She has a lot of energy for such a small creature, and she loves it when I take the time to play, and help her release some of that energy. Finally she has learned that playing fetch involves bringing back the ball, and that is her favorite game. I love it when she thinks she is so tough and decides to growl or bark at her toys. These times I can do nothing but laugh, and to continue with her silly ideas of games.
Her little tail never stops, nor does her curiosity. Getting into trouble is a favorite pastime of hers. I’m usually the one who has to get her out of that trouble, but I never have the heart to yell at her. She’s just too cut to yell at, and just by preoccupying her, she usually forgets about whatever it was that was getting her into trouble. She can always make me smile, and the times I spend with her are priceless.
My iPod and my dog. Two very different things, which normally I would never classify together. Besides the fact that my dog enjoys chewing my headphones, they interact in no way. And yet, I know that I think of them both as items of importance in my life.
Overall your essay was really good. I really liked your introduction, and how you stated that value has a different meaning to everyone. I agree with you. Also I liked how in the conclusion, you made sure to wrap up the thoughts of the introduction and your whole essay. I think writting intrroductions and conclusions are a strength for you. I especially have trouble started a story but your introduction seems so natural. I like how you combined both the materialistic, and pricless moment together in your conclusion and said that together, they are only a fraction of what you value. Even though your paragraph about you iPod was more descriptive then the paragraph about your dog, I think both are equally well-written. My advice for you is to remember to cut out unncessary sentences or phrases.
Great essay, I really enjoyed reading it!
Erika, I think you did an excellent job with your essay. You clearly stated what you value, and I understand that you strongly value your dog and your iPod. I really liked the way you started off your section about your iPod, it gave me an image of how you use it everyday, and how it affects your life. I can also relate to using my iPod to block out noise and when I go running. I think your overall strength was how much passion you put into your writing. I could clearly understand that you love you dog and your iPod very much. One thing you could improve on is that next time you could describe what your dog looks like, what breed she is, or anything else like that. Overall, I really liked your essay, and it really showed what you value.
I really enjoyed reading your story and looking at your picture. It was perfect for your story. I can relate to your story because I also love m ipod and my dog. Your ipod seems very valuable to you because it seems like you use it all the time and value it a lot. Also your dog seems like you value it a ton because you wrote so many great things about it. I think that you described your ipod so well because in the first paragraph that your wrote I could see you running with your ipod in your ears as your sprinting around the track. You gave very clear pictures to the author as they read your essay. I think that the strongest part of your essay was you describing all the things that you do with your dog and for your dog. Also the introduction was very well written. My advice for future writing pieces would be to add a couple more sentences to your paragraphs to make them a little longer. I loved your essay and I thought that it was really good. :-)
I enjoyed reading your essay very much.I really liked your introduction, it was very creative. You described each moment very well and kept the reader interested in you essay. you did an excellent job clearly stating your values in life and why you valued them. I also love your title......very creative.LOL I can relate to you because I also put my I-POd in my value essay.
Great essay, It was very well written.PCE!:)
Your essay was so good. Your two values, your iPod and your dog, were clearly expressed and easily described throughout your essay. I really liked how in your conclusion you said that your two values didn't really have much in common, except that Sophie like to chew on your headphones, but then you combined the two as a title. I thought that the title was really creative. I feel that a strength of your essay was your introduction and conclusion. I usually have trouble opening up my essay, and closing it off with a "tie". But yours just flowed, like it came really natural. One thing that I think that you could work on is vocabulary. Even though what you wrote really expressed your two values very well, it could've painted a better picture in my mind. Overall, your essay was very well written and I'm glad that I got a chance to read it.
omg i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your essay was very strong. i loved it. oyur dog is so cute. Adn i can totally relate, i lvoe my dog with all my heart. i dont know what i would do without her. Both of your items had great description. i woukld ahve to say your description was the strongestthing in your essay, and thats a good thing!!!!!!!
I really liked your essay. It had great detail and it showed how much you love your dog and your ipod. I can relate to this because I have a dog. I would also be devostated without him. I think the strongest part was when you descrided your dog because it showed how much she means to you. Great essay!
I thought your essay was really good. I understand why you love your ipod so much. I use mine when I run also. One thing you could have done would be to say what kind of music you listen. That paragraph was probably my favorite because I can relate to it.
I liked the decription used to decribe the way your dog looks, and the manorisms she has. Also I really enjoyed you opening paragraph, and I think the tittle of youur story is clever.
Erika, I think your essay is awesome and you did a really good explaining the values of your two comparison. Your conclusion and beginning paragraph about your ipod was your strength. The way you described your ipod i could really picture the image in my head. I think next time you should remember to cut out unncessary sentences but overall you did awesome!
I really liked the way you wrote your essay. I found that your introduction was very good and it was not repetative. Another thing I liked was how you explained both items.
One thing I would advice you to work on is your ending. it was good don't get me wrong, but i think you could have explained each one a little more. Otherwise it was a very good essay. Great job!
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