Everybody values things. They might be worth money or might be priceless. Most of the things you value might cost money. Although, you’re most important value might be priceless. Everyone has days they will never forget. It could be sports or just times with friends. It is the most important to you because you will have it forever. Things you value with a price tag on them you might lose or not have forever. Memories are your most important values, not values with a price tag on them.
When I wake up on a Saturday or Sunday morning, my first thought is that I have a basketball game. That’s my mindset through the whole morning or day depending on what time my game is. So after I wake up I go downstairs and breakfast is usually prepared for me. I eat and watch some T.V. After I finish my breakfast I go back upstairs and get ready for my game. My games are usually in the morning so after I get ready I usually go to my game. Our home court is the Holyoke Boys Club. When I arrive there I go to the far end of the court and sit on the bleachers with the rest of my team waiting for the game before us to end. We are all getting our basketball shoes on and getting pumped to play. Once the game before us is over, my team and I walk across the court to our bench. We finish getting our shoes on if we haven’t already then we get in two lines and start to do lay-ups to get warmed up. Everyone is focused and ready to play. We do other drills to get warmed up and then the referee blows his whistle signaling the start of the game. Then our team runs over to our bench and huddles up. Our coach tells us our game plan and what we are going to do on offense and defense. After that our starting line up goes out to mid court. We have a big starting line up besides me with everyone being at least 5’9. The opposing teams’ starting line up also comes out and we are ready to play. One player from each team steps in the center circle, the referee throws up the ball, and the game has just begun.
We always full court press and try to force turnovers. We like to have a transition game on offense. The first half sets the tone for the whole game so you have to come out playing. Our coach calls out the play if we are in a half court set. We do more substitutions in the first half than the second because we want our best players in at the end of the game. We play fourteen minute halves and we don’t stop running until the buzzer sounds. Once the buzzer sounds that means it’s the end of the first half. The players on the court go to the bench and then we all go down to the corner and our coach talks to us about the first half. He tells us what we did well and what we need to work on. After he’s done talking, if there is still time, we do lay-ups to stay fresh. Once the referee blows his whistle, it’s time for the second half.
The second half is almost always more intense than the first because there is less time remaining in the game. Fatigue is always a factor because the starters are getting tired. Defense and not committing turnovers is vital in the second half. You need to get stops to win the game if it’s close at the end. You also need every possession you can get so you can’t turn the ball over. At the end of the game the ball is always in my hands because I’m the point guard. My coaches and teammates trust me to take care of the ball and I think I do a good job of it. When the buzzer sounds yet again, that means it’s the end of the game. After the game is over both teams line up and we shake hands. Then we go back to the corner and our coach tells us what he thought about the game. After that we all leave after a hard fought basketball game.
I’m riding in the car, bored as can be. I hate long car ride, they get so boring. Luckily for me though, I have my Ipod. It keeps me so entertained and it makes the car rides so much better.
I got my Ipod on Christmas this past year. It was the one thing I really wanted and I ended up getting it. I was excited when I got it, and I wanted to download music on it right away. It’s hard to figure out at first how to put music on it, but once you figure it out, it’s simple. Its size is also really convenient because it can fit in almost any place.
I love music. I love to listen to it and download it. That is why I love my Ipod. I can listen to any song I feel like listening to and it makes the car rides so much better. My Ipod also has games on it that can keep me occupied. I space out a lot when I listen to my Ipod so my mind isn’t on when we are going to arrive at our destination.
My Ipod also gets me pumped for basketball or any other sport. It keeps my mindset on basketball and I don’t think about anything else. Once I get on the court I am relaxed and ready to go because of my Ipod. It suits me well with my music interest and I am thankful to have it.
I value my Ipod and basketball for different reasons. I value basketball because it’s a great feeling to play the sport I love. I know I will value that feeling forever. I love my Ipod because I love music and it serves many ways to keep me occupied. I can’t be sure that this will be a value of mine for my whole life but I know it is now.
Kyle C.
I really enjoyed your essay. I thought the description of the basketball game was very good. I could really tell that you value your priceless moment a lot more than your object.I felt that the ipod paragraph could have been expanded. I could tell that although you don't like your ipod as much that it was still an object that you valued. I liked the connection between the object and the moment, that our ipod helps you prepare for your games. I thought the strength of your essay was the descrpitiveness. I thought the whole thing was very well written. I also liked your picture.
Kyle -
I enjoyed reading your essay. It was very well written. I thought that your description of the day you had a basketball game was very good. You used a lot of adjectives and made it realistic. I do not think that there was anything that needed to be changed. All the paragraphs were good and there was a lot of good vocabulary in your essay. I think that you did a good job. I liked your picture as well.
You did a very good job on this essay. What I liked the most was how you described before, and during the game. You described in great detail what goes on in the halves, and throughout the game. This reminds me of my essay because I wrote about baseball and we were on the same team for both, so yeah. You also did a good job describing your ipod, and when and how you use it. I think you did a great job overall, keep up the good work.
I really enjoyed your essay. I liked how you told how were feeling throughout your basketball game. the details in that story were great, and I wouldn't change a thing in that paragraph.
Your paragraph about your ipood was a bit short. One thing you could have done is to tell about how many songs it holds.Also, to try not to use the pronoun "I" so much. other than that it was great.
I enjoyed your essay a lot. I think i enjoyed it so much because i could relate to everything you wrote. I played basketball with you since we were in second grade and I know how much you enjoy the sport and the feeling you get when you walk out on that court.
I thought what you wrote about your Ipod was not too bad. Your paragraphs were a little short but I think you got your point across. I also ran into the same problem. I really like your picture too.
kyle, i really liked reading your essay, the description and use of words was good, the second paragraph was a little shaky, but overall i enjoyed it. gotta get the grammar mistakes that will really make it more understandable.
Reading your essay was very enjoyable. The description of your basketball games was very clear and easy to follow. Your paragraphs about the game seemed to be a lot longer than the paragraphs about you ipod. Although, it was easy to tell which one was the object and which one was the priceless moment that you were explaining. If I were to recommend one thing for you to do, it would be to describe why you liked playing basketball, instead of how. It was still a garde a quality essay.
You did a good job on your essay. You were really descriptive about what you do before basketball games and during. I know that your a really good player. I found very few spelling and grammer mistakes. Your introduction was pretty good. But, your paragraph on your ipod was a bit short, but still good. Overall, your paper was great.
u r a nerd!!! the essay was huele mal!!! u write like a 2 year old!!!abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
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