Paris! Let’s go buy a mansion for your dog!”
“Like, OK Brittany. Then we can go buy a mall or something.”
“Like, sweet. I love buying malls. Wanna buy a panda later and name it Cupcake? I’ve always wanted an endangered animal.”
“Oh my God, totally Brit! Then I can buy a polar bear and name it Sprinkles. They’ll be like twins! You can buy your panda with your kid’s college fund.”
Five weeks later, Paris’ polar bear suffers from starvation and Brittany’s panda runs away, but is caught by animal control and then put in a zoo that doesn’t have enough money to take care of it. They both die and neither girl cares. They leave in their limo wearing their deceased pet’s fur to go buy the mall that they wanted.
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Does anyone care about anyone else anymore? It doesn’t seem so. We walk around only thinking of ourselves and all caught up in our own lives that we don’t even notice people that need help. Most of us miss the small, enjoyable things in life and don’t care much. But I care, and I try to see the small things and not miss out on them. Not only do I cherish my financial items that I own, like my CD collection, but I also appreciate priceless moments that I can share with other people, like Halloween.
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I get off the bus and walk half a mile home from the bus stop. Fifteen minutes later, I unlock the front door to my house and climb the stairs to my room. I plop on the bed and turn my CD player on. Gradually, I start to open my backpack and do my homework as I sing the lyrics to the song I’m listening to.
I have over sixty store bought CD’s and I’ve burned over twenty, so I always have something to listen to. Avril Lavigne is my favorite singer and I listen to her music everyday. I have all three of her albums. I f someone was to take a look at my CD collection, they would think that I have way too much time on my hands to listen to all of them, and must have spent a lot of money collecting them. If they take a closer look, they would be able to tell what kind of person I am. They would know that I like many genres of music, including rock, pop, and some country. My personality would show greatly and they would know my personality. For example, they would see that I like trying new things and like to have fun.
I listen to music loud. I sing sometimes when nobody’s home and I dress up like a rock star and scream the lyrics loud enough to hear myself over the actual singer. As I stated before, I like to have fun. Nothing’s more fun than rocking out to my favorite song or band.
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Halloween is my favorite holiday. It’s exciting and I love the thrill of watching other people scream in sheer terror. It’s the most powerful day of the year for witches like me. Just thinking about Halloween makes me feel so alive inside. I’m always amused by creepy things, and anything cursed or possessed.
Carving pumpkins is great. I use the knife to saw open the top and then pull it off and get that first smell of its insides. I have to wash the orange pumpkin stain out of my nails and off of my skin. The feeling of the stringy goop and seeds squishing between my fingers as I dig it out to make it hallow is incomparable. And then I can be creative about the actual design I’m going to carve into it or paint on it.
Halloween is a great time to have a party with my friends. I dress up as anyone or thing I want to be and nobody can judge me on my choice. It’s also an excellent excuse for me to put on too much eyeliner or makeup and then pour fake blood all over myself and not look like a freak. Eating candy until I puke isn’t such a good feeling, but it is fun to do. I get myself sugar-high a lot, making the party exciting and interesting.
Another reason Halloween is my favorite holiday is because I watch scary movies all night in the dark. I laugh at them like they’re comedy movies because it’s funny when someone gets their head chopped off. Even though none of my friends will watch horror movies with me, I still enjoy it.
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My CDs and Halloween are important to me and I need them in my life. Without music, I’d go mentally insane and probably start singing to myself in public. Without Halloween, I’d have no way to express my creativity and strangeness. I need them because they make me who I am and everyone should respect that.
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So, what are your values about life? I know that mine are to be who I want to be and enjoy the little things in life that everyone else misses. I care about my friends, but if they came between me and my future, I may have to ignore them for awhile. Not only are objects vital to us, but moments, experiences and relationships should be too.
in Jessica Rollends essay she was saying how the world didn't care about others, all they cared about was them selves. but Jessica tries to cherish the little moments that not many people do. she cherishes her cd collection. i like how you describe when you listen to your music and what you do when you hear a song you listen to.
and i think your priceless moment is absolutely a good idea. your priceless thing is Halloween. you love doing many things on Halloween. i think you are a very good writer. you give much detail and i can picture what you are writing. and i honestly cant think of something for you to work on.
I can relate to this because I am so obsessed with music too. I always have to listen to it at least once a day. I agree with your opening statement, how people with money thing they can do anything and don’t care. You did a nice job describing your love for music and Halloween. I think you did an excellent work explaining music. "I listen to music loud. I sing sometimes when nobody’s home and I dress up like a rock star and scream the lyrics loud enough to hear myself over the actual singer." I like how you wrote that, I do this all the time. One of your strengths was writing style. Next time you should state which one is more valuable to you, but over all this was a great piece and I enjoyed reading it a lot.
Your essay was very well written and extremely detailed. Although I may not agree with you on many of your opinions, you back them up with reasons that make sense. You clearly showed that you think people should value priceless things more and I agree, although I strongly value materialistic things as well. I thought that your Halloween essay was very descriptive. I like Halloween also, but for very different reasons, and it was interesting to hear your side. Your essay was very descriptive and I liked that about it.
Your opening paragraphs were very strong and made me want to keep reading although some Paris and Britney fans may be offended. It was a little off topic but like I said it definitely made me want to keep reading. A piece of advice I'd give to you is that you may not want to exaggerate as much as you did in this essay such as saying,” Without music, I’d go mentally insane." It definitely adds to your essay but too much of it might make people not be able to relate to your essay anymore. Overall, I enjoyed reading your essay and I think you did a good job on it.
I absolutely loved your essay! From the moment I saw the Paris and Brittney conversation, I knew your essay was going to be an interesting one, and it definitely was. I knew right away that you valued your personal time the most. When you are able to listen to your music, you are free to be whoever you want to be, just Jessica or the world famous Jessica. I really think that your strongest description was about your cd collection. I knew exactly how much you loved your cds and how different your life would be without them. Your introduction was also very strong because you drew the reader in quickly. I don’t have any suggestions for your next piece of writing because I think you did a great job on this one.
Your essay is really good. i can totally relate to how you blare the music when no ones home i do that all the time. i liked what you said about halloween as well thats one of the most fun holidays even if its meant for little kids.
What you seem to be saying about what is valuable is the little things in life that make you happy. I discovered that you most strongly value music and Halloween. I found that you wrote about Halloween more vividly and clearly. The part that I thought was the best written was when you talked about partying with your friends on this holiday.
One of this essay's overall strengths was your descriptions of everything. It made it so I could picture what was going on, in my head. I like your writing style. What do you think would happen if you lengthened your conclusion? I learned a lot about you in your essay.
Hey Jessica!
This is so AWSOME! I loved it completley! Easpically the beginning! What a great start, and it sounds a lot like paris and Brittny. So, so funny! I think that its really great you love to listen to music. I love music, I really like Avril too. Music has a letting go feeling! I love that adreniline rush! Your essay was great, very describtive. I don't think there is any critisim I can say. Maybe lenghten the conclusion!
I enjoyed reading your Halloween paragraphs. they were funny and gave me a strong insight into your mind! I don't think this could have been written any better. Your essay really made the question arise, what would happen if Paris became president? Scary thought isn't it! Overall, job well done.
You write very well.
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