Splash! We jump into the chilly pool. As our skin hits the hits the water the element of shock hits us. Now we are surrounded, emerged in the water. As we break through the surface, we gasp for breath. The wind catches you in a breeze and chills run down your back, so you have no choice, but to dive under again.
My pool has made some great memories over the 7 years I have had it. Our pool provides a cool spot during the summer for friends and family. During the summer we invite tons of friends over to roast marshmallows around a fire and make s’mores, and go swimming. It is so much fun and we do it all the time, and sometimes we have about 15 people over. If you have a pool you probably couldn’t imagine life without it right? It keeps you cool when you are hot in the summer, and it is a great form of exercise, but it is also fun.
Last summer I remember a time when we had a lot of people over and everyone went in the pool and we played volleyball. We set up a net across the pool and played 4 or 5 games. It was really fun because we were diving and jumping all over the place and we were laughing and having a good time. At the end of the 3rd game we all got out and went to stuff our faces with s’mores.
The pool is a money value to me because it would be about a few hundred to a thousand dollars. If we were to sell our house, the pool would definitely be a big portion of the price. I couldn’t live without our pool because I constantly use it during the summer with my friends.
I hear a meow coming from the side of my bed. I pat my bed and up jumps my cat, Cookie. I start to pet her as she finds her place of comfort on my bed with me. She starts to purr, and she lies down. I scratch her under her chin and she purrs louder. By now I am memorized by this sound, and I fall asleep with her right next to me. She stays by my side and when I wake up she is awake and purring, and staring at me. I remember this one time she came up and laid on my stomach and I could not breathe well for a while because she was crushing me (She is a really big cat). She stayed there for a long time too and surprisingly I loved every second of it.
My cat, Cookie, has been my best friend for 7 years. We got her when I was about 7 or 8. She is easygoing and laid back, and I love her to death. She is black and tan, but her stomach, back legs, and front paws are white. I can not imagine my life without her and I realize that she will have to go sometime, but I never try think about that. I would not give her up for any money in the world and that is why she is my “priceless” item.
As you can see, value means different things to me. My pool has a lot of memories which makes it somewhat “priceless”, but if I had to sell the pool or my cat, it would be the pool in a heartbeat. I have great memories with both my cat and my pool, but my most priceless item is Cookie. So what is the definition of value? To me it has different meanings; the value of money or what something is worth and the “priceless value” of something.
Hey Sam,
Great job! I loved how you described your pool and your cat, Cookie, really nice. I really liked when you described your pool “Splash! We jump into the chilly pool. As our skin hits the hits the water the element of shock hits us. Now we are surrounded, emerged in the water. I can get a good picture in my head. I thought your essay was perfected and had a nice conclusion. The only suggestion I have is to describe your cat a little more, but great essay. I loved it.
Sam C,
Onomatopoeia was cool to start off with. S’mores!!!!!!!! I need a pool! Your cat sounds cute. Why’d you name her Cookie? Is she fat or something? Ahhh, she sounds cute. She should date my cat, Shadow, who is black with white on his legs and tail. How cute would that be?
Your essay was visual and descriptive and had good vocabulary and word usage. I agree with Rachel that saying SPLASH was a good idea. I thought it needed to be longer though. Read mine!!!
Joey wants you to. That was his death wish.
I can tell that you really love your pool, from the discription that you gave. I felt as though i could really feel as though i was in your pool, and eating s'mores while i was reading it. Also, from the way that you described your cat, it sounds like she's an awfully cute cat, but you might want to take into concideration, to describe the cat a little more. Overall, I think you did a very nice job on your essay.
Hi Sam!
You did a really great job on this. I really liked the onomatopoeia, it made it sound a lot more descriptive. I think your strongest points were deffinately the descriptions because you could easily imagine everything that was happening. I think the only advice I could give you is just to describe your cat a bit more because your pool description was much longer and more detailed. Other than that everything was very well done!
Hey Sam,
That was a very intertesting story. I know what you mean by the pool, how it is refreshing and keeps you cool during the summer. I know how it is a big part of your life, but i also know how much you love Cookie. I have a dog, Brady, and I would give anything away in a heart beat, so he could stay. It was a great story over all. Great job describing everything.
I thought your essay was detailed and it had a good use of vocabulary. I thought your descriptive paragraphs were very elaborate. You didn't leave me asking questions. I was never confused at any point of your essay. I would have liked to have seen more compare and contrast in your essay. I think that you did a great job overall.
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