I wake up in the morning, turning slowly to hit the snooze button on my radio. My eyes adjust to the dim light and my first thought is, what will I wear to school today? I gradually get out of bed, swinging my legs over the side as my radio comes back on, the latest song filling my room. My first priority is my jeans. As I walk across my room to the crate, I stare at the mound of possibilities. Will I roll them or will I leave them alone? Should I choose jean shorts or jean gauchos? Endless possibilities fill my mind as I reach into the standing crate and grab at random. It is the perfect way to pick them, in my opinion; otherwise I would never be able to decide.
As any of my good friends could tell you, I wear jeans almost every day. Besides being comfortable, they give me a feeling of comfort. Every time I slip into a pair, I remember the last time I had them on, what happened during the day, after school, what the newest rip on the bottom was from. Each individual memory leaves an imprint- on the jeans and on me. Another thing my friends could tell you about my personal jean selection is that I won’t go for the high priced jeans. Just because they are $90 at the most popular store doesn’t mean that they will give me the comfort I need. As soon as I go into a store, I head right for the clearance rack where there are hundreds of jeans, calling to me to take them home.
Roars of laughter fill the auditorium as I am carried by my arms and legs out onto the stage. Screaming and thrashing, I try to wiggle my way out of their grasp, but, they have a firm hold. Finally, I pull my entire body down towards the floor and fall. Jumping to my feet I run after the culprits, losing my shoes in the process. After sliding through the door, I see them trying to escape, but it won’t work. I am there in an instant, in their faces and determined to make them pay. Noticing that my shoes were missing, I walk back into the auditorium to find them exactly where I had started to run. Well, I think to myself, that was sort of funny.
Friends are one of the few things that make life worthwhile, the ones you can turn to, the ones who understand you. They are my most valuable yet priceless things. I would never trade my closest, best friends for anything in the world. Whether they are girl friends or guy friends, I know that I can always turn to them in a time of need for anything. We can look to each other for help, guidance, support, and comfort.
Great job, Emma! I loved reading this essay. You very clearly described your jeans and I totally agree with most of your points. I liked the way you started the friends section of the essay. That ancedote was a great transition and the rest of that section didn't let me down after that fabulous intro. I don't know what I would change, but I had expected a stronger conclusion from you. Your intro really got me interested with the rest of the essay. This is a wonderful piece and great job, Emma!
Everything was great in your essay, Emma. Your value of Comfort and your jeans, and how they relate to you and your life can apparently never be taken away from you. I really enjoyed reading your essay, as you clearly and vividly described both of your values. I can see why you value being comfortable, i can relate, i don't bother wearing anything that doesn't make me feel comfortable, whether it's physical or emotional.
Your strong point was your comfort paragraphs, as you compared both you and your jeans to it, which complimented it. You didn't have any problems in your essay, i don't think. If anything I'd have to say i didn't entirely get your fourth paragraph, but that's just me. Other than that, everything else was excellent.
Hey Emma :)
Nice job! I never thought a pair of jeans and friends could be compared, but I'll leave it to you to do that! I think you described your "jean morning catastrophe" really well. I like how you don't care, and plan, and worry, and that you just reach down and grab whatever comes to you.
In your essay, your strength was defintely your opening and concluding paragraphs. You did a great job on that. I think the only suggestion I could give you is to describe more about your friends, like a certain situation that was priceless. Altogether, you did an amazing job! Keep it upppp. :)
I really like the title of your essay. It's really creatvie and draws interest from the reader. I like how you talked about comfort in your introduction. A lot of people had similar idea's to what their defenition of value is but no one mentioned comfort and I think that is a big part of what you should value.
Even though I think your description about your jeans may be a little longer than the one about friends, I can tell that both of these things you value, are equal in your book. I like how was never said which you value most. Both of them mean so much to you that its just impossible to chose. I know this just by reading the few paragraphs you wrote. The strong use of words you used helped me, or the reader, to understand the point you are trying to make.
I think your essay was very well-written and complete. My only piece of advice for you is to remember, when the scence switches completly, to add an indicater like three astrics. This will just help the reader keep up with your writing.
Hey Emma!
I enjoyed reading your essay a lot! Your intro pulled me in, and everything else was really amazing. Everything was full of detail and description. I think your strongest point was your intro. It was so well put. I don't think I could give you any advie -- everything was very well done!
Great job, Emma! :]
Hey Emma, You did a very good job with your essay. It was great. You did a good job describing why you liked your items, and really made it clear how you use them. I enjoyed reading it, and got a clear idea why you value your jeans, and your friends as well.Every thing was written very well, and I have no tips for you on how to change it.
Emma!!!! Your essay was great! I like how you described your jeans as comforting. I also love how you described that moment with your friends. I think I know when that moment was too. You desribed it with a great energy.
Your intro was amazing, too. It got me interested in the rest of the essay. If I had to change one thing, then I would make the conclusion a little stronger, but other then that it is almost perfect. Good job!
Wow Emma, that was a great. This essay really reminded me of how much fun I have with my friends, and how great they are. Your story about what happened with your friends was so descriptive I could put a clear image in my mind, and i thought i was there laughing my head off. Your introduction was great. Everything was very descriptive. I thought you did a very good job.
Very, very nice essay. The opening statement and sentences that followed grabbed my attention immediatley. The body of the essay was filled with detail. You conclusion wrapped it up neatly without any rambling. The only thing that confused me was the paragraph that began with "roaring laughter." But despite that everything was nicely written.
Emma -
I thought you did a good job. I thought that you used a lot of detail. You wrote a lot about your jeans. I can see why you like them so much. You used good vocabulary. However, I did not understand the paragraph about the people laughing in the auditorium. You probably just forgot to write the sentence that explains it. I am going to assume that it is talking about a play that is going on at school or something similar to that. Good job.
Your essay was very well written and I enjoyed reading it. You clearly showed that you valued both your jeans and your friends. I can relate to your essay because I value those things very much also. Your reasons that backed up your opinions were clear and strong. I thought your jean paragraphs were very descriptive and I liked reading those. As in many other people’s essays, detail and description were overall strengths. I felt like I was right with you the entire time. A piece of advice that I would suggest is to add a little more to the friend’s part of your essay. It was very good but I feel like the jean paragraph overpowered it. Your introduction made me want to keep reading and I thought the statement, “The line between the valuable and priceless today has been severely blurred," was interesting. It is very true and describes the situation very well. Good Job on your essay. :-]
Wow, I thought your essay was great! I liked the items you chose. Your jeans and comfort vs. your closest and understanding friends. I liked how you picked those items, like other things would be more valuable to someone else. I totally agree with you about your introductory paragraph. I think that the way you described comfort to you was much more lively then your other object. I really related to you.
Your word choice and the style of your writing was all very unique. I like it a lot. I liked how you connected your whole story back to itself. The only thing I would consider while writing your next piece was the re-ready your essay and fix awkward sentences. Nice job other than that.
your paper was reallly good and i loved all of your description. you got the point across without being redundant or uninteresting. One thing I might add to your paper would be to maybe pick out a friend or two and describe a time you had with them. I also didn't really understand the paragraph that was talking about the stage and the shoes. was that a memory you had with your friends? it was an overall great paper and i enjoyed reading it!
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