Friday, October 12, 2007

Valuable Moment vs. Valuable Financial Worth by Lauren B.

In life there are a lot of things I value; many of those being worth money and others being priceless. Both of these things mean a lot to me but when it comes down to it is an object you bought at the store really more important then a special moment or memory? Although a 200 dollar lacrosse stick is great, is the time you spend with your team or the stick really more important? I feel as if today many people get their values confused. It’s easy to get caught up in materialist values rather then those unforgettable memories you’ll never be able to relive. You can buy a new object but you could never go back in time to feel the way you did at a previous time. I think it’s necessary to value each category but with limitations for each.


I am in the middle of an intense basketball game standing alone at the foul line knowing that it is all up to me. I wipe sweat from my forehead and bounce my knees to get ready. Starting from the second I receive the ball from the official, my eyes remain glued on the target. I dribble the ball twice and spin it, doing the routine I’ve practiced many times before. The crowd silences and I can feel all eyes pinpointed on me. I bend down, spring up, and release the ball, remembering to keep my elbow in and follow through. The ball swooshes through the net not even touching the rim. The crowd cheers and the pressure on you is released. I feel as though I have not let my team down. I am proud of my hand eye coordination and the hard work of practicing has finally paid off. The satisfaction of making foul shots is something I thoroughly enjoy.


A materialist item that I couldn’t go a day without is my cell phone. When I am not in school, I am texting on my cell phone every second. My phone is practically molded into my hand and I just wouldn’t feel right without it. My fingers automatically know what buttons to press without even looking because I text message so much. Texting on my cell phone is a huge way that I communicate with others. If I just have a simple question to ask someone, it’s a lot easier to text them rather than call them. I’m lucky that I have unlimited text messaging or my mom would be paying millions of dollars on our phone bill every month. I also call people all the time on my phone. If I need a ride home, I have my phone to call my mom. It would be really hard to go out without my phone because I would end up getting stranded or not having a ride back. Not only do I depend on my cell phone for a call for transportation or a way to chat with my friends, but it is necessary to “fit in” in this day and age. Basically everyone has a cell phone. While we try to convince our parents that we need one for emergency situations, we all know that they are mostly used to show off and compare to our friends. The electronic device is becoming a necessity for daily life. I don’t go one day without looking at my phone. I play my newly bought ring tones over and over again until the repetitive lyrics and sounds are permanently stuck in my head. I feel as if my cell phone is something I could not go without. The small silver and blue advanced piece of technology has worked its way into a huge part of my life and I feel as though I value it very much.


As you can tell, I value both the fulfillment of making foul shots in a basketball game and my cell phone, greatly. The satisfaction of sinking foul shots raises my self esteem and makes me proud and happy. My cell phone makes me feel more comfortable knowing that in under a minute I could have someone to talk to me and be there for me if I needed something. Both my phone and making foul shots are things I enjoy and wouldn’t want to live my life without. Although one is something you could put a price tag on and the other you couldn’t, they both mean a lot to me. Without either of the two, my life would be extremely different and definitely not as good, but I believe a priceless moment is more valuable to me. While I could always buy another cell phone, I am never able to get a second chance at a foul shot in a certain game. These two values make me more than content with my life and are truly valuable to me.


Anonymous said...

Hey Laur:)
I really like your essay a lot! I noticed that in your conclusion, you never really stated which you liked more. However, in my own essay I realized that I did the same thing. I think its hard to chose one over the other when they are in seperate categories like you said. The description you had for nailing a foul shot was great. Even though I have never been in that situation, I was able to feel the satisfaction when it made it through the hoop.
Your strenght throughout this essay is defently your word choice. You know how to use adjecties correctly to help describe a situation. Also you made sure you wern't being repetitive in the conclusion. Next time you might consider to double check that all your paragraphs are roughly the same length. This is a great essay! I loved it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lauren,
I really enjoyed your essay. It was very well written and very describtive. I can relate with you on the basketball value in your essay. I felt like I was in that moment when I was reading it because of how well you discribed it to the readers. Just as Julia said, your strength is definitly your word choice. You used great diction and kept the reader interested in your essay. I wouldn;t change anything about it.
Great Job!

kyle C said...

i enjoyed reading your essay. You gave good detail in both the priceless moment and the object that you vlaue. I think you could of gave a little more detail about the foul shot but you gave great detail about your cell phone. It is really obvious that you value both of these things and you detail to prove it. I also liked your conclusion and you ended your story on a good note. Overall i really enjoyed your essay and it was well written.

sam p said...

Hey Laur Laur,
I thought your essay was very well written. You got into really good detail on foul shooting. I can relate to the foul shots because i also play baketball.
i understand everything you said about your phone and i think i feel the same. I also agree with the fact that you value your foul shooting more than your phone. Overall this was a great essay.

Anonymous said...

lauren, terrific job, i enjoyed it. i liked the conclusion the most out of the essay. it was very descriptive and there were absolutely no mistakes. the cell phone paragraph was well written and the word choice was excellent.

Anonymous said...

i thought your essay was very well written. you state that your priceless monets is playing basketball. and your valuable object is your cell phone. i thought your priceless moment paragraph was very well written and it was full of description. as well as your cell phone prargraph.

your strenght in writing is your choices of words. you put all grammar in the right places.and i didnt think that there was something that you really need to work on. good job!

Anonymous said...

This article was extremely interesting.

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