Baseball is my favorite sport. Hitting, running, pitching and catching – it doesn’t matter what I’m doing, I love it all. Throughout my season we played the Holyoke Nick’s Nest baseball team twice. The first time we played them we got beat 15 to 1. The second time turned out much better and we won 5 to 2. I pitched a complete game that night giving up two earned runs and striking out six. My team finished the season a couple games over .500 and had a couple tournaments to look forward to.
I was at my friend’s house when my Dad called me. He said that the Holyoke Nick’s Nest team was in the state tournament and wanted me to play for them! I was in shock and couldn’t believe it, but I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t know anyone on the team, I didn’t want my teammates on the Tigers to be mad and I thought, well, it’s the state tournament, could we actually win? I went back and forth the rest of the night weighing my pros and cons. Finally I decided I would play for the team but I was still a little hesitant. The next day I had a practice with them. The coach introduced me to all the players and they all seemed very nice. The coach had some really nice things to say about my pitching and it made me feel a little more comfortable. Our coach talked a little about the tournament and then we started practice. The coach had me throw a couple pitches with their catcher. I was nervous but I did alright. Through the season with the tigers I was our starting catcher. It was my favorite position and pitching was just something I did when my team needed me. After practice that day I went up to the coach and told him I can also catch. He said that was good. They already had a starting catcher but needed a backup so I told him that I was fine with that.
Our first game came within the next week. We played the Springfield Indians. We won. I pitched three innings giving up one hit, no runs, and had five strike outs. Our next game was against a team from
Our next game was against Belchertown. We needed a win in order to stay in the tournament. I started pitching and started off great. I stuck out the first two batters but then things turned a little. I finished strong thought and pitched four innings giving up four runs and striking out six. In the end we won the game. The next day we were playing a game that meant a lot to me. We were playing the Westfield Bombers. I didn’t like them when I was on the Tigers and I didn’t like them now. The day before the bombers had beaten Tantasqua and now it was between Tantaque, the Bombers, and our team. Whoever won the game between the Bombers and
The next game was the championship game against Tantasqua. We wanted revenge. Our pitcher gave up two runs in the first inning but didn’t give up a single hit the rest of the game. I caught the whole game. When our pitcher throw the last strike on an up and in fastball we all went crazy. We mobbed the pitcher at the mound and made a huge dog pile. We won 6-2 and it was one of the best moments in my life.
I’m sitting in my car with another two and a half hours left in the car ride. I need something to do to pass the time so I take out my Ipod. My Ipod has all my favorite songs on it and even some comedy skits. It’s a silver Ipod nano with four gigabytes. When I’m listening to my music it helps make any car ride quicker. Also, when I’m listening to my Ipod it relaxes me and I can fall asleep.
My Ipod isn’t only used during long car rides. I also use it to get me pumped up. Before a game, no matter what sport, I almost always listen to my Ipod. I like to play either some rap or metal music to get me pumped.
I have a lot of different music on my Ipod. I have a lot of rap, some metal, some rock, some R&B, and a little bit of Motown. My Ipod is my most valuable possession at a price of 200 dollars. My Ipod means a lot to me and I would hate to lose it or break it.
My Ipod is important to me because it’s worth a lot of money and I love it. It is replaceable but I wouldn’t want to buy another one. Also, not everyone has an Ipod so I’m lucky. My state championship is important to me because only my teammates and I were able to experience it. I had my own feelings about the victory which makes it valuable to me in a different way. I can always call myself a state champion which would be much more impressive then saying I own an Ipod.
hey sam,
I like your essay and I agree with your conclusion. I think it's the priceless memoreies or moments that is most valuable. I though you had a strengh in your description throughout the essay. You did really well with describing your object and memory especially the paragraphs about baseball. I think those paragraphs were a lot more inspiring and lengthy compared to you paragraph and you Ipod.
Next time, keep in mind to make both paragrapgs equal lenghts. I really like your essay, good job!:)
Wow, Sam. I can see why you have a love for baseball. Both of your paragraphs nicely show why you value your iPod and baseball, however the baseball portion of you essay was long, and clearly describes both the pro and cons of the sport, both it still says something about why you like it so much.
Your baseball paragraph is definitely the best part of your essay, as it's length and deep description of you liking of the sport explains that you definitely have a love for the sport. Even though you explained your love for baseball to the world, you could have evened out the paragraphs so your could tell people how much you like both of your items, but other than that, they all showed that you value both of your items.
I thought it was great how you said that you thought priceless moments were more valuable. That's what i would've guessed you'd say, by the way you described baseball. You did a great job describing the tournament, and how you felt during it. I liked that part more that the parts about your essay. Your baseball scene was longer than your ipod paragraphs, probablly becuase you like baseball so much. Maybe, you describe your ipod a little more, like putting in more scenes where you have used it. I really enjoyed your essay though, you did a nice job.
I thought that this essay was great and it showed how you value your priceless moments just as much as an object. You thoroughly described both your ipod and how you love baseball. You clearly stated how you love baseball and it was hard to decide what to do. The strength of this essay is the paragraphs about baseball and you greatly described them. I love ipods too and can see why you value that as well. Great job Sam!
I enjoyed reading Sam's paper a lot. He used a lot of vivid detail to describe his baseball experiences. While reading this I could tell how much he really enjoyed playing this sport. Unlike most people, he didn't only explain why he liked the sport. He also described what positions he played, the scores of the games, and how he felt throughout the entire experience. I also liked how he explained how money didn't prove value. I think that most people forget that and should be reminded that the amount of money an item costs doesn't prove it's value. I think he wrote this piece really well and i liked it a lot.
Hey sam,
I think that your essay was very well written. I could tell that you really love baseball and that you are very good at it. I could of guessed that you were going to write about baseball. I think that your first two paragraphs were the strongest parts of your essay.
There wasn't a lot of information about your ipod but what you had wrote was very good. you should keep in mind that you should have both paragraphs about the same length.I really liked your essay.
Sam- I liked your essay a lot. It had great description about baseball and your ipod. I can tell you really value baseball. You could use a little more detail about your ipod, but I know you value baseball more than your ipod. I could really relate to how you felt about joining the team and winning the championship because of great detail. You could of had a stronger conclusion and wrapped up things a little better but overall i enjoyed your essay and it was very well written.
I liked you essay alot, you did a fine job. I thought you did swell on describing your experiences with the holyoke, and south hadley team. Although South Hadley was better, it seems like the holyoke team was pretty dope too. You gave rich detail in describing the state tournament and I couldnt wait to read on. You also did fine on decribing your ipod. You did well on showing when you used it, and where. You did a great job on this essay.
sam, i liked the intro, CONCLUSION, and middle of your essay. great detail and use of words were terrific. downsides were a few mistakes in spelling i liked the baseball paragraph the most because it seems unreal that youll won the state championship. good job.
Amazing essay, Sam. I thought you made a good point at the end about how the two things were valuable in different ways. Your description of the baseball tournament was definitely the more developed and longer of the two. I thought that you made things dramatic, and your descriptions and grammar were excellent. However, some of the paragraphs about the baseball tournament were repetitive; the whole thing needs to be condensed into two or three paragraphs. Excellent essay though, maybe even the best ever.
Dear Sam,
Your essay was amazing. And like Julia said, i agree so much with your conclusion on how much priceless moments are worth so much more. Your strength through out this essay was your description with your values. I really felt like i was there with you at that baseball game. I can totally relate to your IPOD to =] This essay was all around really well written. Nice job sam =]
I liked your essay. Right off the bat I could tell what was the item and the priceless moment that you were comparing. I had a real good picture of you playing baseball with the other team. I could only see that picture because you described it so good. Be proud of that. You did a good job on describing your ipod, too. I can relate with how you use it. If I HAD to suggest something for you to fix, I would say for you to describe more why you like playing baseball instead of how you played. I still think you did a real good job.
I thought you did a good job on your essay dude. You were descriptive throughout the whole paper. I liked how you told every score and how you felt before each game. I remember playing on your team for travel and you were a really good catcher and pitcher. There wasn't a lot of information about baseball but there was enough. Overall, i think you did a great job on your essay.
I really liked when you described baseball and how you played for the Holyoke Nick's Nest team. That was really interesting. Your essay was really well-written and it had a lot of rich vocab in it. Your conclusion was really good and i would agree with it like Julia said. You obeously show a lot of love for your ipod and the game of baseball. :-)
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